Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Marley & Me by John Grogan

I finished the book yesterday and went to bed at 4am because I could not stop reading. I've finished the book in 2 days and I don't do that much often! I LOVE this book and I will somehow spread the word about it! I know from the start I will remember evey tale John Grogan wrote about Marley and his family, it's really heart warming. Sheds some tears in the middle of the night.

John convinced me to convince my mom to get another dog that's bad behaving, because bad dog turnes into great dog in the end *thums up*. I do still love my little 3 year old pomeranian-poodle but she's the oposite of Marley ;)

Overall this book taught me alot of things and made me think about life diferently and how to live it like it's your last. I want to say,

Special thanks to John and Marley, and his family

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